Tuesday 22 March 2011

The National Approach

Lets face it, anyone who knows anything about the health sector and encouraging physical activity can safely say that central government has done nothing but prepare endless amounts of policy documents showing little improvements and huge backtracks on the issue. Some policies and reports include:

  • Food and Nutrition Guidelines
  • Healthy Eating, Healthy Action Plan, 2004-2010 (NOT THAT BAD REALLY)
  • Clinical Guidelines for Weight Management in New Zealand Adults, 2009
  • and more.... surprisingly

Perhaps the most effective policy initiative Central Government has put forward is the Push Play initiative through SPARC, which stemmed from the 'Obstacles to Action' research study conducted for SPARC in 2004.

Source: SPARC, 2011

Why was this effective??

Why not? This initiative had great promotion and its no coincidence that the face of this initiative was a well-known Pacific Islander, Robbie Magasiva. This campaign was a relative success because of its target audience. Yes, other ethnic groups were targeted because the guy campaigning for it was a fit and down to earth role model who anyone could look up to and recognise. 

In my opinion good job to SPARC and Robbie!

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