Sunday 5 June 2011

Good Practice - Instilling Health in Parks

I have found an awesome example of good healthy design practices in Auckland. These facilities are up to date, well designed, convenient and also used heavily by all members of the public. This park is located on the North Shore and I was surprised to see the level of design which has gone into this development focusing on health and exercise.

Leg Press Machine (Source: Taganahan, A., 2011)
The AirWalker, similar to a Cross Trainer (Source: Taganahan, A., 2011).
Machine that works your back, legs, arms and chest (Source: Taganahan, A., 2011).

Personally these machines are a lot more appealing than what was done in Michaels Ave in Ellerslie. However, this seems to show the level of development that can occur if people manage to emphasise on health in parks management and planning. I believe these types of developments is what can make significant strides towards creating awareness about health in planning.

Here are a few examples from cities around the world...

Los Angeles..

AirWalkers installed in a 'Healthy Parks' programme in LA (Source: LA County - Parks and Recreation, 2004)

Washington D.C

New Developments at the Marvin Gaye Park, promoting youth physical activity (Source: Trowbridge, 2010)

Healthy Parks Healthy People programme established by the NSW Government to improve "mental and physical health by spending more time in parks" (Centennial Parklands, 2009).

Creation of parks which are more attractive allows for people to spend more time there (Source: Centennial Parklands, 2009) 
These are only two examples of how parks can be used to promote healthy living and well beings of people. There also seems to be a growing interest by Governments in what types of developments can be done in parks to encourage its use for health purposes.

Here are a few examples of machines that can be used...

                      Sitting Rotator (Source: Outdoor Fitness Inc, 2010)
      Back Extension (Source: Outdoor Fitness Inc, 2010).

Weight Lift (Source: Outdoor Fitness Inc, 2010)

Sit-up Board (Outdoor Fitness Inc, 2010)


  • Centennial Parklands (2009): "Centennial Parklands" (Accessed: 30/05/11).
  • LA County - Parks and Recreation (2004): "Parks and Recreation" (Accessed: 30/05/11).
  • Outdoor Fitness Inc (2010): "Outdoor Fitness Equipment" (Accessed: 30/05/11).
  • Taganahan, A. (2011): "Personal Photos."
  • Trowbridge, J. (2010): "Inner City 'Needle Park' Tuned Community Health Catalyst" (Accessed: 30/05/11).

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